Magazin Sprache

  • Language Certificate
    New routines for exam prep

    Are routines boring? Not in the least! They can help structure our everyday language-learning efforts and are an important and effective process in natural learning. Working authentic materials into your learners’ everyday lives is the best preparation for the Goethe, telc and ösd C1-level exams.

    • Magazin Sprache article is available in the following languages: Deutsch, English

    Zwei junge Frauen schreiben eine Prüfung.
  • Integration of skilled immigrants
    How to overcome the Language Barrier

    How important is language acquisition to the integration of skilled immigrants? This is the subject of “Deutsch lernen für ein Leben in Deutschland” (Learning German for a Life in Germany), a report on the latest research findings. The bottom line: Early and well-tailored language-learning programmes are a must for a modern host country.

    • Magazin Sprache article is available in the following languages: Deutsch, English

    Drei junge Menschen lachen und haben die Arme umeinander gelegt
  • Lastingly boosting motivation
    Developing teachers’ potential

    Teachers face challenges every day at work. Studies show a particularly high level of psychological stress in the teaching profession. Hence the high incidence of burnout among their ranks. So how can we stave off stress while keeping teachers motivated and enthusiastic about their jobs year after year?

    • Magazin Sprache article is available in the following languages: Deutsch, English

    Man springt auf den Felsen
  • Language learning and German education policy
    Bilinguals have better maths skills

    Language learning trains the brain. Learning two languages at an early age develops language skills in general. But bilingual kids also do better in other cognitive subjects – like mathematics. Professors Michaela Sambanis and Heiner Böttger explain why a paradigm shift is needed and how to make it work.

    • Magazin Sprache article is available in the following languages: Deutsch, English

    Kleiner Junge vor Tafel
  • Digitization and multilingualism
    "The world is language": Why language learning is worthwhile even in the digital age

    Innovative technology helps us communicate in different languages. Will translation apps make learning a foreign language superfluous? How can we rekindle the desire to learn languages? Professors M. Sambanis and H. Böttger share some fascinating findings from neuroscience research on language learning.

    • Magazin Sprache article is available in the following languages: Deutsch, English

  • Tips for german language courses for nurses
    The scenario-Technique, Part II

    Successfully using scenarios in vocational German language teaching in a healthcare setting. How can it work? Five tips for using scenarios in job-related German lessons to practice language and communication skills as an aspect of professional competence. Part Two: Tips three to five.

    • Magazin Sprache article is available in the following languages: Deutsch, English

  • Tips for German language courses for nurses
    The scenario-technique, Part I

    Successfully using scenarios in vocational German language teaching in a healthcare setting. How can it work? Five tips for using scenarios in job-related German lessons to practice language and communication skills as an aspect of professional competence. Part One: Tips one and two.

    • Magazin Sprache article is available in the following languages: Deutsch, English

    Szenarios im berufsbezogenen Deutschunterricht
  • Pre-Integration
    Building a Bridge to Germany

    Whether it’s a matter of managing labour migrants’ expectations, helping them "learn how to learn" or alleviating their uncertainties: teachers and trainers of teachers of German as a foreign language can play a vital part in pre-integration, i.e. in developing skills to cope with living in Germany.

    • Magazin Sprache article is available in the following languages: Deutsch, English

    Besser ankommen
  • Education systems in the COVID-19 era
    Language teachers report on teaching during the Coronavirus pandemic in the US

    The consequences of the pandemic pose an unprecedented challenge to education systems all over the world. Teachers and students have been particularly hard hit in the US, where the virus continues to spread unabated. The upcoming reorganization of the schools there will radically change teaching in America.

    • Magazin Sprache article is available in the following languages: Deutsch, English

    Klassenraum während COVID-19
  • Language learning coaching
    Enabling rather than instructing

    Knowledge is not contagious. No matter what one teaches, it is either not learnt at all, or is learnt in an entirely different way. Learning is a process that can be externally influenced to only a very limited degree. However, language learning coaching can help learners develop an awareness of the conditions that influence their learning.

    • Magazin Sprache article is available in the following languages: Deutsch, English

    Sprachlernberatung fördert die Lernerautonomie.
  • Studying in Germany
    Fit for university

    In 2015, Ahmad Al Zoubi fled from his Syrian homeland. Today he studies mechanical engineering in Germany. Like other refugees now at a German university, he was helped into higher education by the Integra language programme.

    • Magazin Sprache article is available in the following languages: Deutsch, English

    150 Flüchtlinge aus verschiedenen Ländern beginnen 2016 ein Studium in Bremen. Im Herbst 2018 wird auch Ahmad Al Zoubi dazu gehören.

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